Our Chair

Paul Doocy


  • What is Stewardship Giving?

    Stewardship giving is an expression of our gratitude, love, and thankfulness for the blessings of life given to us by God. It is love received and love returned.

  • Why is Stewardship called a Spiritual practice?

    Spiritual practice is a regularly repeated act based on faith which strengthens our relationship with God. Giving (financial stewardship) has numerous spiritual benefits. Here are just a few:

    • Our desire to partner with God and give back helps to support the work and intention of God and heightens our experience of all of God’s gifts that we lovingly receive from God.

    • Giving back to the family of God, not only says “thank you” from our hearts but also expresses our gratitude in tangible and meaningful ways by helping others.

    • A children’s song says, “Love is nothing till you give it away!” When we give, we not only honor God’s love, but we become God’s earthly hands and hearts by actively manifesting God’s love through our action – literally making God’s love become real.

    • Our giving and caring celebrates and supports the truth that “together, we are the body of Christ, and individually members of it.” (1 Corinthians 12:27)

  • What does this mean in practical terms?

    Practically speaking, we are an entirely self-funded church. 100% of the funds needed for our mission giving and all of our ministry comes from our membership. Our total estimated annual budget for 2024 is $1,272,000. Of that total, $720,000 comes from your direct annual stewardship giving! The other 40+ percent comes from the excellent work of our Carousel Thrift Shop, Rooms With A View fundraiser, Preschool, and proceeds from renting our facility. We also use a portion of the returns from our church’s endowment fund to help support part of our annual expenses. Our annual church budget is available to every church member at every congregational meeting and any time at your request. Our budget is also regularly reviewed by all of our Boards and Committees.

  • Is there a set amount I should pledge?

    We encourage you to give a gift that is a meaningful percentage of your income. If every member will give a gift that is meaningful, we will be able to address our needs.

  • What will my pledge be used for?

    To support the ministry and mission of SCC through our operating budget. This budget supports our staff, maintenance, and programs as well as our extensive mission work in the greater Bridgeport community.

  • What are the ways I can fulfill my pledge?

    There are many ways to give to fulfill your pledge: through a one-time gift, recurring gift (weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.), or anytime as you desire. SCC now offers many ways to give, via online, text, and Venmo. You are now able to give these ways through your phone or computer, and of course, you can always give in the more traditional ways of checks or plate giving at worship. If you need assistance in navigating any of these ways to give, please call our office and we will be happy to help you.

  • What happens if I make a pledge and find that I cannot fulfill it?

    Your pledge is not a contract. It is a spiritual commitment. Please inform Paul DiPrato or one of our ministers if you need to adjust your pledge at any point during the year. Your pledge of giving is your best hope, which is very helpful for us to know so that we may have an idea of what kind of a reasonable budget we can prepare for the upcoming year.